Flinks Connect Integration

Flinks Connect is an iFrame that you integrate to an existing website or a mobile application using native web views. You get a private endpoint to accomplish that. (e.g. https://client-iframe.private.fin.ag).

Flinks Connect will ask the user which bank he wants to authenticate to. After that, the API asks for username and password, and MFA if required by the bank. MFA can be a security question, image selection, question reset or SecureID token.

During the Flinks Connect process our workers are active on the bank website to extract the data, in order to send it to you later.

There are some parameters to set to configure your usage policy and redirect URL; it's really simple to use, and we're here to help, should you need it!


With Flinks Connect, user credentials and MFA answers are always saved.


API Integration

Once your user goes through Flinks Connect, it will end up on a thank-you page defined as RedirectUrl in the iFrame. At this stage we append a unique LoginId corresponding to this user (e.g. 94f7e1c7-0851-48a1-ae65-ae50261387bc)

With this loginId you can call back the API to get the details that we gathered from the bank. The Authorize endpoint accepts a LoginId and a special parameter MostRecentCached:true to get the cached data without having to log in the bank.

After a successful call on the Authorize endpoint, you can call GetAccountsSummary, GetAccountsDetail or GetStatements to get different types of informations about the accounts, KYC, transactions and even the bank's official PDF statements.

The REST API is private to each of our customer. You will get a private endpoint (e.g. https://client-api.private.fin.ag). The endpoint is configured with a preset whitelist to allow a limited set of incoming sources. It also enforces CORS to make sure browser calls are only set from authorized domains.