Flinks holds user data for up to 90 days, and user credentials for up to 30 days. After that period of time, a new connection through Flinks Connect is required.

In terms of the IDs Flinks issues for each connection, please refer to the table below for more information:


For how long does Flinks store this ID if the card is never refreshed?


90 days, because after this period the data is deleted from our servers

90 days, because after this period the data is deleted from our servers

In which scenarios will this ID change?

- If username is changed

- If card is deleted and user reconnected

- If a new LoginId is generated

- If the card is not refreshes within 90 days

- If a new LoginId is generated

- If the card is not refreshes within 90 days

How this ID is generated?

By the combination of username, FI and language (English or French)

Randomly, and it's unique across the board

Randomly, it's unique across the board and it's not incremental