If you have an inquiry, you'll need to send us a ticket. To contact us, you'll need to first create an account with Freshdesk. You can register and login to Freshdesk here: https://flinks.freshdesk.com/support/login
You can sign up on the right:
After you sign up, you can create a new ticket by first going to the home screen:
There are two options you can choose from: The Tickets Tab at the top of the screen or the MY TICKETS button underneath. They will both navigate you to the Tickets page:
On the left you can seethe status of tickets you already created. On the right, you'll see two options: New Support Ticket and Check Ticket Status.
New Support Ticket
When you select New Support Ticket you'll be taken to another page where you will fill out information that will assist us with our investigation into your inquiry. On the right, we'll automatically recommend articles we feel are relevant to your request. If your response is not answered in the article, please complete the form and click SUBMIT at the bottom of the form. At this point, a ticket will be created.
Check Ticket Status
After you create a ticket, you can check the status of the ticket by selecting this link from the pervious screen, under the Tickets tab: