Disclaimer: GetStatements will only return the PDF statements if this feature had been enabled in Flinks Connect when the user went through its flow. More information on how to do so here.

To retrieve the official PDF bank statements of your accounts, you first need to open a session with Flinks through Authorize.


Once that is done, you have to call the 'GetStatements' endpoint with the RequestId you got from the Authorize call. You need to select the 'Base64Bytes' and use a base64 string sample decoder website to export the data in a PDF file.

You can also get older statements by using the parameter 'NumberOfStatements' to retrieve the last 3 or 12 months worth of statements. 

Here's an example for the last 3 months:


And here's one for the last 12 months:

You can read more about the Get Statements endpoint in our documentation