HTTP Status Code | Flinks Code | Description | Message | Steps to Reproduce |
200 | N/A | The connection was successful. | Complete a successful request. | |
202 | OPERATION_PENDING | The process is ongoing in the background. At this point your flow must change to the async endpoint | Your operation is still processing. | Perform a cached flow immediately after Authorizing a new account |
202 | OPERATION_DISPATCHED | Your sync request took more than 210 seconds and it was dispatched in the background. | Your operations had been dispatched to background process for long running jobs | Have a live request to gather GetAccountDetails in more than 210 seconds |
400 | INVALID_LOGIN | The provided LoginId is invalid | The LoginId provided is either invalid or does not belong to the CustomerId | Call the Authorize endpoint using a non existent LoginId |
400 | INVALID_LOGIN | The provided username or/and password is/are invalid | The card number (username) or password provided is invalid | Call the Authorize endpoint using non valid credentials |
400 | INVALID_REQUEST | Credentials are missing/incomplete, or syntax is incorrect (e.g. missing comma) | Message returned will depend on the error (e.g. missing value, incorrect syntax, etc.) | In input, make a typo, remove a comma, etc. |
400 | SESSION_NONEXISTENT | A request was made with an expired RequestId | Inputs session id or card if were not found. | Use an old RequestId for a new request |
400 | CARD_IN_USE | An operation was requested while the account is still being processed. | Call the DeleteCard endpoint immediately after Authorizing a new account | |
401 | INVALID_USERNAME | The username provided was different from what the bank expected | Provide an invalid username to an Authorize request | |
401 | INVALID_PASSWORD | The password provided was different from what the bank expected | Provide an invalid password to an Authorize request | |
401 | INVALID_SECURITY_RESPONSE | The MFA response provided was different from what the bank expected | Provide an invalid MFA answer to an Authorize request | |
401 | QUESTION_NOT_FOUND | The MFA prompt doesn't have a stored answer | ||
401 | RETRY_LATER | Flinks was not able to open a connection with the selected financial institution | Flinks Capital Username: test_service_unavailable Password: Everyday | |
401 | UNKNOWN_CHALLENGE_KEY | The /Authorize request to respond an MFA contain an answer to the wrong MFA prompt. | "One or more of the Security Challenge Prompts required are missing in the provided response" | Change the MFA prompted, or leave the MFA prompt blank in the input Change the MFA response or leave the MFA response blank |
401 | CONCURRENT_SESSION | Another session is already opened with this LoginId | Open two requests simultaneously with the same account | |
401 | UNAUTHORIZED | The card was not authorized. Either there is a problem with bank, or the GetAccountsDetail endpoint was called before authorized | You need to be authorized in the bank account before going further. | Call the GetAccountsDetail endpoint during an MFA prompt without answering the MFA question |
401 | DISABLED_LOGIN | The account has been deactivated by the financial institution. The account holder must contact their bank | Log into a deactivated account | |
401 | NEW_ACCOUNT | The end user must take action directly on their online banking before connecting and account with Flinks | Login to an account where user must take action on bank's website (e.g. to accept a consent form) | |
401 | SESSION_EXPIRED | The RequestId expired after 8 mins of inactivity during Authorize or 30 mins timeout for data processing | Wait at least 8 minutes before responding to MFA | |
401 | ALREADY_AUTHORIZED | When the /Authorize endpoint is called after the user has already been authorized | Answer an MFA for an already authorized requestid | |
401 | SECURITYRESPONSES_INCOMPLETE | Not all the prompted MFA questions had answers in the reponse request | Not answer all MFA questions prompted in 3 question MFA prompt |
** General note: when you received an error code for the cache mode, it means that during the refresh, we faced that error code.